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Offering Financial Counseling and Financial Literacy Programs

Financial Counseling Program

The Financial Counseling Program uses a holistic approach to helping people become financially secure and provides them with a solid financial foundation that ensures that they know how to budget, save, access credit, and avoid debt. I provide both 1:1 and group counseling opportunities.  The programs include:

Money Management:  Develop behaviors to become financially self-sufficient.
Debt Management:  Establishing debt limits, creating debt management plans, assisting with correcting credit errors, reviewing debt-consolidation plans, assisting with student loan repayment plans, reviewing bankruptcy applications, and assisting with debt settlement options. 
Savings Management: Assist with developing a savings goal and plan for emergencies.
Credit Management: Assist with navigating credit reports and credit debt.


Financial Literacy Programs

Provide customized financial literacy programs designed for adults, teens, and children that focus on personal finance topics important for financial wellness and sustainability.   

Adult Webinar* & Class topics will include:

  • Basic Budgeting

  • Prioritizing and Managing Bills

  • Managing Your Debt

  • Managing & Building Good Credit

  • Planning for Future Goals: Savings Basics

  • Teens & Children literacy webinar topics include:

  • Understanding Currency

  • Creating a Budget

  • The Importance of Savings

  • Understanding Credit


*Webinars can be captioned and provided in additional languages upon request. 

Adult Education Course
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