Your Money Guide
This Touch Stones Financial Wellness Services Guide to Financial Wellbeing was created for you. Your Money Guide is issued monthly covering various topics with tips and resources related to financial well-being.
Click on any title for a PDF copy of YOUR MONEY GUIDE
Issue #3
Previous Issues
Issue #1
There is a fine line between holding on to important financial documents and medical records and other important papers, and hoarding. Here is a guide to help you draw that line.
Issue #2
You might get higher rates on your savings, lower rates on your loans, a service that fits your needs better, or all of those things. Here is a guide to help you draw that line.
Issue #3
Financial Counselors & Coaches ask their clients these questions to determine if they’re in control of their finances. So, the question is how fiscally fit are you?
Issue #4
While taxes are often daunting for many of us, preparing your own return may be easier than you think. It’s cheaper, too. Check out this special Your Money Guide focusing on five steps to help you during tax season while navigating tax preparation.
Issue #5
Issue #6
Travel? Cellphone? Pet? When does a specialty policy make sense?
There are many different insurance policies out there. How do I know which one to buy and which one to pass up? Read this issue to find out.
Issue #7
These numbers are important measures of financial health and can help guide you to long-term security.
Issue #8
Medical billing and collections can hurt people when they are already struggling with a health crisis. If this sounds like you or a loved one, help is available. Here is a guide to help you.
Issue #9
When Aretha Franklin, Prince, and even Howard Hughes died without a will, they left their estates and families in turmoil. You don’t have to.
Issue #11
Issue #13
Issue #14
Here are some holiday spending tips to help get you through the season with your wallet intact to make the season a little less stressful and a little easier on your debt limit.